Okay so as an American who has had been living in Asia for the greater part of the past 10 years, I can honestly tell you with 100% certainty: It’s really not people’s diet, it’s our own metabolisms, which are sometimes affected by race.
Different races process foods differently, for me and probably a lot of other non-Asians, this means that rice does make you gain weight more quickly as opposed to other forms of carbohydrates.
My husband is Korean and he can ear rice all day without it affecting his weight. I on the other hand always gain weight when I’m forced to eat an Asian diet.
I have found that overall in the US, I had much more access to healthy foods than I have ever had living in Asia, mostly because of the exorbitant price of groceries.
Sure if you live with your Asian granny and she has the time to home cook you 3 healthy meals a day, then yes, your diet will probably be more healthy.
However, what I have learned from my time here is that much of the “skinny" factor comes from eating disorders and obsessive dieting or unhealthy lifestyles.
So no while yes, white rice might not kill you when consumed in moderation, this is also an oversimplification of a much bigger issue.